Sonic.exe Alternate Ending

Suddenly, Sonic popped right in front of Robotnik the same way he did Knuckles and then red static. The red static lasted for about 15 second and then it showed me a most unpleasant image...
The image showed a hyper-realistic of Sonic standing in the darkness where you can only see his face while his head and torso faded into black, and when I say hyper-realistic, I mean like he looked so real you could actually see the lines in his blue fur, as if you could actually feel the fur if you touched the screen.
His face...oh god, he had the most horrifying smile I had ever seen.
And that's saying something considering I saw that image at the start of the game.
His eyes are wide and black and once again crying blood (Which also looked hyper-realistic) and there were two small glowing red dots in those black eyes staring RIGHT AT ME, as if staring into my mind. His grin was wide and demonic, it literally stretched to the sides of his face like a Cheshire Cat except Sonic had fangs, VERY SHARP fangs, much like the Werehog's teeth except more vicious-looking, somewhat yellowish and from the look of it, he had stains of blood and small bits of flesh on his lips and fangs as if he ate some animal.
I stared at that gruesome image for a good 30 seconds, never taking my eyes off it, I felt as if he was actually looking at me, smiling at me...that face, it just took 10 seconds for it to etch itself into my brain for good.
Then I a heard a noise. The monitor started shaking, cups, papers, etc. I looked at mah window and saw him! It WAS sHREk! Shrek waved at me! I waved him back! We have been great college buddies since 1999. He broke into the window, even though he could have enter the door, but whatever. Shrek saw the Sonic Image, except this time there was the text again though it was messed up, but it was pretty much one of the most horrifying things I looked at since I had this game...
Shrek entered the computer screen look it was a portal. The red static came back, this time much louder and distorted, so loud that it hurt my ears, I yelled and grabbed my ears as the red static screeched for a good 7 seconds.
Then it stopped and showed nothing but black screen.
As I sat there staring at the black screen, one last text came up.
"Ready for Round 2, Sonic.exe?"
I heard Shrek's laughter playing. It sounded like he was right next to me, laughing together that the sticky situation was over.
Then I got booted back to the main menu and this time the third save file had a TV image of Sonic in the same, tormented state as his victims;Sonic's blue fur turned grey like the Werehog, his fur was almost ripped off revealing the milky pink skin under it, and there was blood coming out his eyes. But this time the blood was dark blue, like tears. Sonic had a depressed look on him.
I looked at Tails and Knuckles. This time they were no longer on the TV box, but bellow it like how the game originally was. Tails with his normal cute pose and Knuckles being the cool guy.
I cried tears, I felt bad for them when Sonic had to ruin their lives but as long if you believe in Shrek, your life will be easier.
Then the computer shut itself off, I couldn't turn it back on no matter what I did.
I sat there for maybe 25 seconds, being all glad...
Shrek is God himself in disguise to look a children's character, and when he gets bored he comes and saves your life, literally saving us from the situation, sometimes if you get to old he drags you to heaven, where he can take care of you always, as his little angel..
I can't get the game outta my computer. I think it's stuck in there, but at least I managed to turn it back on now.
After I sat there for 25 seconds I heard a voice right behind me, like a whisper...
"It ain't ogre"
I turned around to see where the voice came from, and what I saw made me scream...
in excitement.
Sitting on my bed... staring right at me...
... Was a Shrek Plushie, with a note attached.
It read
"Sonic is Hate, Sonic is Death".